Cohiba is releasing a new stylishly-presented expression of its cigars in time for some travelers during the holiday season.
The Cohiba C8 is a new cigar crafted with a silky, lustrous Ecuadoran Sumatra wrapper and a Connecticut Broadleaf binder that could make for an attractive wrapper itself. The cigar was blended by experts at General Cigar Dominicana in Santiago, Dominican Republic who searched for and found exceptional vintage years of tobacco and took it a step further by carefully selecting each bale and each leaf used in C8’s blend by hand. The final blend is comprised of Piloto Cubano (1995); Honduran Olancho San Agustin (2002); Honduran (La Entrada) (2011); Nicaraguan Estelí (2011) and Nicaraguan Esteli (2014), and Honduran Jamastran (2014).
The Cohiba C8 has layers of earth, nuts and wood that are balanced with a hint of caramel and a whisper of sweetness. The finish cascades into light spice and pepper. Cohiba C8 is presented as a Double Corona measuring 7 1/4 x 54 and is housed in a sleek, soft-touch red and matte silver box that contains 10 cigars each. C8 is presented in a briefcase containing an S.T. Dupont cutter and lighter. Only 50 Cohiba C8 travel sets have been created and are now for sale at U.S. Duty Free locations and cigar stores. Each set will have a suggested retail price of $2,499.99.
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