The fourth expression of Cohiba Spectre, a small batch cigar line that marries the art of cigar making to the luxury of indulgence, is set to make its debut in mid-March 2023.
This cigar was blended by master artisans and crafted with five varietals of tobacco. Each of these tobaccos is a great representation of the growing regions, soils and microclimates where they were harvested. Through the use of proprietary aging and fermentation techniques, the tobaccos that comprise Cohiba Sepctre combine to make for an intriguing and complex smoking experience.
The 2023 release of Cohiba Spectre features a rare aged Brazilian wrapper leaf that was harvested in 2008 and selected as equally for its intricate notes as for the luster of its appearance. This is the first time a Brazilian wrapper has been used in a Cohiba cigar, which only adds to its overall appeal. The binder is a wrapper-quality Pelo d’Oro leaf grown exclusively for Cohiba in the Connecticut River Valley. For the cigar’s fillers, Honduran Jamastran, Olancho San Agustin and La Entrada, with Nicaraguan Estelí Ligero and Viso leaves were combined with Dominican Piloto Cubano. Together, these tobaccos deliver a rich and layered experience that includes notes of cocoa, baking-spice sweetness and a slight earthiness. The 2003 Cohiba Spectre is a medium-to-full-bodied smoke.
In a press release, Sean Williams, Cohiba’s brand ambassador, commented: “Cohiba Spectre 2023 embodies our tradition of creating exceptional smoking experiences. We spent two years developing this extraordinary cigar, calling upon our passion for tobacco, commitment to craftsmanship and our love of design. As with previous Cohiba Spectre releases, the 2023 expression is peerless, and can never be replicated.”
Only 600 boxes of Cohiba Spectre 2023 have been produced. These cigars are made by two elite teams of cigar makers who are recognized for their dexterity and their passion for their craft. Ms. Carmen Carolina Toribio and Mr. Bernavel Sanches, roller and buncher, respectively, and Ms. Isabel Rodriguez with Ms. Rosmery Gomez, roller and buncher, respectively were selected to handmake Cohiba Spectre 2023.
This special cigar will be available in a Toro format measuring 6 x 52. Each box will have a suggested retail price of $1,299 and each cigar’s price will be set at $129.99 before any applicable taxes.
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