This year, Davidoff is continuing to celebrate the Chinese Zodiac with the release of the Year of the Rabbit. This limited edition cigar comes in a lacquered box that houses 10 very exclusive, luxurious cigars. You’ll be able to find Year of the Rabbit in stores now.
This cigar is presented as a 5 15/16 x 54 double perfecto cigar that features an Ecuadorian Hybrid 238 wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder and filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic (piloto seco, San Vicente seco, Yamasá visa and San Vicente ligero) along with an Estelí, Nicaraguan-grown seco. According to Davidoff, most of the filler tobaccos has been aged 4.5 years.
The inside of each box is reminiscent of a rabbit warren with interlinked sections for the ten cigars. The cigar starts off with pronounced pepper notes that are counterbalanced by flavors of roasted nuts and cream. During the second third, leathery notes form along with hints of coffee and dried fruit. The final third of the cigar begins with an uptick in intensity that doesn’t overwhelm the palate. Cacao sweetness builds during this final third of the cigar and is followed by cedar wood and fresh spices. The cigar can be smoked in 50-60 minutes. Each cigar has a suggested retail price of $50.
While the perfecto size of Year of the Rabbit is being released to Davidoff’s Appointed Merchants, Davidoff Since 1911 flagship stores will be getting an exclusive size of this year’s Zodiac cigar. The Year of the Rabbit Flagship Exclusive is a 6 x 56 toro. The blend of this cigar is the same as the perfecto size, presented in a special size only available in Davidoff’s flagship stores. The suggested retail price for the toro size is set at $72 per cigar or $1,728 for an entire box. Only 600 boxes will be released worldwide.
In addition to these limited edition cigars, Davidoff also is releasing some Year of the Rabbit accessories that are perfect for the holiday season. An impressive, porcelain ashtray featuring a rabbit logo will be a must-have for many cigar enthusiasts. It can hold two cigars and each rest is positioned so that the two cigars will never touch. The ashtrays are made in France and each is hand-numbered. Only 450 Year of the Rabbit ashtrays are being released worldwide with 150 being reserved for the U.S. The suggested retail price for each ashtray is $415.
The Year of the Rabbit Davidoff Double Blade Cutter is another item being released. This German-made cutter is made of palladium and can cut cigars up to a 56 ring gauge. Only 370 of these special cutters will be released, 80 reserved for the U.S. Each Year of the Rabbit double guillotine cutter will have a suggested MSRP of $425.
There will also be a Year of the Rabbit masterpiece humidor released. Details to come.
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