Davidoff Cigars has revealed that it will be releasing another limited edition cigar from its White Band Collection–the Millennium Lancero Limited Edition. This is part of the company’s The Difference campaign announced earlier this year [read more here].
In a press release, Edward Simon, chief marketing officer for Davidoff Cigars, stated: “Back in its day, the Millennium Blend Lancero was renowned for being the format to fully enjoy the blend’s special 151 wrapper. Today, the reborn limited-edition cigar once again stands representative of our ceaseless pursuit for perfection. It took our Master Agronomists 300 trials to create the special hybrid seed for this Ecuadorian wrapper leaf. Furthermore, the cigar’s pigtail format requires impeccable rolling skills, so only our most experienced torcedores touch this creation. I am convinced that this relaunch will make a difference for countless aficionados – be it appreciators of the lancero format and outstanding craftsmanship, collectors who enjoy the Millennium blend in its other highly acclaimed formats, or connoisseurs with a refined palate who wish to fill their time beautifully with this masterpiece.”
The Millennium Lancero Limited Edition is the second of four limited-edition releases within Davidoff’s White Band “Cigar History Re-Rolled” concept. As an extension of The Difference campaign, Davidoff is setting out to inform its loyal aficionados with what it describes as, “interesting and detailed insights into the brand’s unique cigar creation process.” This is a medium-bodied cigar that can be smoked in 35 to 35 minutes. It features a Mexican binder and four different Dominican tobacco varieties in its filler that’s covered with a special Ecuadorian 151 wrapper.
Millennium Lancero Limited Edition is a 40-ring gauge lancer with notes of oak wood and coffee accompanied by aromas of sweet prunes. In the second third, dark chocolate complements intense bouquets of almonds and white pepper. As the cigar reaches its end, pronounced flavors of peat are finished with piquant white pepper and licorice.
The Davidoff Millennium Lancero Limited Edition Collection will be available at Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers and in all Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 flagship stores beginning on April 6, 2023.
For all the latest news from Davidoff Cigars, visit us.davidoffgeneva.com.